Saturday, December 1, 2007

Almost a Failure Already

So, I had no plans to get online today. But, I'm already ready to go to the party and we aren't leaving until 5:30. So I had 30 minutes to kill and decided to read Robyn's blog. Which is when I realized, Holy Shit! I'm doing Holidailies too, and I already almost missed posting one day this month. Grrr!

But, tada! Here I am!

Today was supposed to be a relaxing day. I had every intention of relaxing, getting my hair cut, and painting my nails. However, Salem had different plans. He was having problems going potty (tinkle potty). He had this problem before and it turned out to be a urinary blockage (common in male cats) and it's life-threatening, so I wasn't taking any chances. I called the vet at 6:00 a.m. and made an appointment for 9:30. Mark had to follow me out there since my hair appointment was at 11:00 and I wasn't sure I'd be able to do the vet thing, take Salem home (God willing!) and get to the appointment across town.

So....we went to the vet and he does not have a blockage from what they could tell. They gave him fluids (by injecting it under his skin, which tripped us out because it felt like he had a breast implant put into the back of his neck. hehe. He has to take some medicine, but he did get to come home.

The highlight of the trip to the vet was when we were waiting for them to get Salem's prescription together and in walks a guy...straight from the 80's. He had pegged jeans, a leather jacket, sunglasses and dated hair. He was also carrying two in each arm. Mark and I commented on his 80s hair-band-ed-ness. (that's totally a word!) And a little later when he was called back....

We're ready for Guns and Rosie.

I wish I were kidding.


Anyway, I'm off to put on that cute outfit y'all picked out. Pics from tonight and of the before and after hair tomorrow.

Have a nice weekend.


Julie said...

Guns and Rosie.

That is too much.
Did he have on those like plastic ray bans in different colors?? Those are so hot.

Anonymous said...

The orange wavey soon to be dog the bounty hunter mullet feathered behind the gold loop earings, 2 in the left and 1 in the right. Gunz had a black studded collar and Rosie had a pink studded collar and no, they were not allowed to tuch the ground. They were carried in to the vet to have their nails did.

Anonymous said...

errr. Touch!!! I hate mis-pealing w3rdz!

L Sass said...

If I had two dogs, I would totally name them Guns and Rosie! Sheer genius!