Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Actual Fun At Bowling!

For the past month or so, bowling has really sucked. With our entire team being sick and bowling crappy (these things may or may not have anything to do with each other) it just hasn't been much fun. But, last night was fun. We bowled a team that has two really fun girls and two guys that are very easy to make fun of. And we have a new team member who is nice and jokes around too.

So there was laughing and cheering and picking on each other. It was great. AND I bowled my second highest game ever. 170! Go me!


Oh and apparently, vagina is a bad word. It's apparently offensive, even to those who have one. Yesterday, my coworkers and I went to lunch and were discussing another coworker (a new person). In a conversation with my friend K, this coworker said something about a particular state not being "liberal enough" for her. So I asked, "Is she a lesbian?" Because, hello?! you would need liberal for that. And K replied that the girl has a boyfriend. And I asked, "Does he have a VAGINA?" And some lady in the parking lot was offended and gave me a dirty look. And I'm like, 'hello?! you have ONE!" (at least I think she did)

So yeah, is there another word I should have used? Like cooter?



Nicole P. said...

cooch, box, cobweb collector (in my case), girly bits, cha-cha, fweiner, venus fly trap, vagus,etc.

Can't wait to see your google hits now!

L Sass said...

Nicole's comment just made me spit my water out. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Except, maybe, va-jay-jay

Anonymous said...

UFO (uniquely feminine orifice)

is my personal favorite but guys have really good ones that you never want to hear.

Julie said...

I was wondering if you guys were bowling....

and yea cooter is my personal fave.

*~*Cece*~* said...

We're going bowling w/our kids & my step-daughter this weekend, I can't wait! I'll bowl a couple of games then sneak off to the lounge for a Margarita & a smoke, watch Mister with the kids while I drink & text my girlfriends! lol

Vanessa said...

YAY you on the bowling score! And vagina? I'm not sure, what the correct term is, I'm a little out of touch lately it seems!

Carrie said...

Vagina seems to be an okay word to use. This lady that gave you a dirty look needs to move to that state that isn't liberal enough. Hell, give her my card. She can be an okie and frown even at the word lesbian.

I suck at bowling. And I noticed you haven't talked about it in a while. Is your season dinner coming up soon? Will you be bringing a happy meal?

Anonymous said...

haha! I love bowling too, its great fun, especially when you throw the ball down someone elses lane and ruin their PERFECT game....yes I did that. go me! and my personal favorite term for "it" is ver-ver.

Anonymous said...

I would prefer that you would use "twat" or "hatchet wound" in the future. Thank you.