Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

Oh hey! Sorry I'm wrapping up a day late - but I did get a three day weekend (and yes, in case you didn't realize, I'm totally rubbing it in.)

On Friday, Flutter, Mom, and I went to dinner at Fresh Choice (yum!) and then Flutter and I went to an Arbonne party. Where the woman lied to us about mineral oil and it's existance in ALL THINGS. (read: I found nothing that I use that contains mineral oil) And where I avoided spending $85 on a lotion and serum (which I promptly bought on ebay for $25) yes!

On Saturday, Mark and I had two surprise parties to attend. We went to the first one - a 30th b-day for his cousin. Apparently, 30 is the new 50 because they decorated in an over the hill theme, complete with black balloons. The second party was for a mutual friend who was turning 40. This one was a total shock to him. Which was pretty cool. And he got to see some old friends that he hadn't seen in awhile. So, I know he really enjoyed it.

While we were there, I got to talk to an old friend of mine too. My friend's sister, who I was really close to for awhile was there. She and I had had a falling out and hadn't spoken in a couple years. She's a really funny girl, so I was glad we were able to chat and catch up.

On Sunday, Flutter and I went to a new church. We deemd this new church the church of doors and stairs. It took us passing 3 doors and pausing for a few minutes to contemplate our entrance before we actually made it to the entrance. And when we went to the "power room" there were several flights of stairs (this church is 5 levels and has multiple levels per floor with just a one or two step step-up.)

Overall, we liked the pastor and the music (it had both contemporary songs and hymns) And they gave us a present. (a water bottle, chocolates, a pen, and some scriptures and whatnot) I think we're still going to keep trying new churches, but overall this one is a possibility. (i love that we're scouting churches.)

On Monday I bought groceries and ran errands with Mom. And I cleaned the house. It looks so good. Now if I could find time to wash my car again, I'd be happy.

This week I've got bowling, softball, book club, a luncheon and then we're going camping! woohoo! I think I'm going to need another weekend to recover.


flutterbyshutter said...

i love that we're scouting churchase as well! and i also love that the churches are bribing us to come back :P

Unknown said...

I'm a little jealous you have so much to do. You're probably tried and worn out but I'm wishing I had all that to go do. It'd get me out of the house.

Julie said...

A co-worker of mine had an Arbonne party and I didn't go, but it was like a month ago and people that went are still complaining about it...

L Sass said...

30 is considered over the hill?!?!? WTF??? Maybe if this is Tudor England and the life expectancy is only 50, but HELLO. This is America and I fully intend to live to be at least 90.

Sugee Andersyn said...

Dude, I tried that Arbonne stuff from a bridal expo I went to. The lady gave me a whole little nylon carrier full of the 7 steps or whatever. I tried them, then after 3 days, my face blew up like a hot air balloon and I had a headache! My face was all red and my eyes were puffy! It was scary!!! Then I sold it on ebay. *hides* Did it burn your face off, too?