Monday, July 7, 2008

More Good Thoughts?

Do you know how much I appreciate you guys (girls!)?! I know I've called in more than my fair share of happy thoughts - but I have to ask one more time.

Channy isn't feeling well.
He was sick most of the weekend and now he's spending the night at the vet so he can get some fluids and antibiotics. They are doing x-rays and running tests to find out what's wrong with him (he has a fever and has been lethargic and not interested in eating - which, as we all know is very unlike Chance. He's a big fan of the "c-o-o-k-i-e".)

Please send your prayers and well wishes to Channy for a speedy (and not horrible expensive!) recovery.

Thanks, gang. You rock!


Vanessa said...

Awww, all the good wishes coming your way. Keep us posted on your little kidlet!

Nicole P. said...

Poor Channy!!! Give him lots of hugs for me!

L Sass said...

Poor puppeh! Feel better.

Julie said...

Oh chance...

Get better buddy.
Bailey is worried about you!

Anonymous said...

Awww, poor guy. I hope Chance feels better soon!

I hear you on the not horribly expensive recovery. My cat had a similar illness, and it ran us $300. For a shot. Geez! But I guess it was worth it :)


Anonymous said...

Chance! Feel better soon, pup!

Carrie said...

Poor baby. I hope he doing better. And as for Minnie, be sure and tell people that she is a "perfect tortie". That seems to help. She is lovely and if you didn't live so far, I have a feeling she would be my minnie. And sorry about Golem. I feel for you guys.

Sorry I haven't been around.

Anonymous said...

Aw, Chance! You are just too darn cute to not be feeling well. Hope you're doing better!