I don't really have the strength to go into much detail, but I wanted to let you all know what's going on. (Thank you to those of you who have emailed to ask me about Chance). Yesterday, we had to put Chance down. And we are all heartbroken.
For those of you who didn't know...On 4th of July weekend Chance wasn't feeling well. He was lethargic and vomiting. We took him to the vet where we found out that not only did he have pneumonia, but he also had a very large (cancerous) tumor on his liver. We were advised that there was extreme risk with doing a biopsy because of it's size and also with surgery to remove it. So, we opted to treat his pneumonia (what was making him sick at that point) and see how things went.
For awhile, things were okay. The antibiotics were working on the pneumonia and he was eating and behaving normally. The weekend we went camping, he stopped eating dog food. But when we got home, he was eating dog food (I bought him a new kind - I figured he was bored). But a few days later, he wasn't eating it and I had to cook him meals. In the last few days, he stopped wanting people food too.
We got to spend a ton of time with him and he got lots of love and snuggles and special food and treats. Some moments were very very good (tail wagging and snuggling) and others were not so good. By yesterday, he just looked tired. We made the decision to let him go before he got to the point where his discomfort was unbearable.
I'm comforted knowing that somewhere he is running and playing...and he can take big gulps of water and lick his cold wet nose (he had a previous injury that left his tongue 1/2 paralyzed). He is happy that is free from injury and disease....and he's watching over us, knowing that we love him and miss him so so much.
Oh god. I can't imagine your pain right now. I love my pup like nothing else. Only pet owners can understand what you are going through.
Sweet Chance.
I am so very sorry for your loss. Nothing hurts our hearts like loosing those we love and pets have the ability to warm hearts like nothing else. HUGS
Aw, I'm so sorry. My frups are sending lots of licks your way.
*blinking back tears* My heart breaks for you guys!! {{{hugs}} We had to put down a dog (hit by a car) a few years ago so I KNOW how hard it is to make that decision. You're right, I belive they're all running & playing together. I bought a book called Dog Heaven, it is such a sweet book and really help them come to terms with the death of a pet. {{hugs}}
Oops that anonymous comment was me, hit publish too quickly.
OMG Aimee, I am so sorry. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling right now.
*big bear hugs*
Awww, I'm so sorry!!!
Oh Aimee! I am so sorry to hear that. Just thinking about ever having to go through that with our dogs brings me to tears. I hope you are doing ok. Big internet hugs!
All I can say is:
*hugs* (through tears)
Awww, so sorry to hear this :(
Love you so much.
Give mom and Mark a hug from me.
I'm so sorry! It's been a long time since I lost a pet, but I remember how devastated I was. {{hugs}}
Oh, Aimee, I'm so sorry! It is always so hard to lose those furry family members.
Oh, Aimee, I am so so sorry and heartbroken for you. Sending you gigantic hugs and lots of love.
We love you, Chance!
Oh no Aimee, I'm so sorry! I honestly cannot imagine. I'm so glad that you got to spend so much special time with him these last few months.
I'm so so so so so so sorry, honey.
Oh sweetie. I just want to hug you. I'm so, so sorry. I wish I could make it easier. You are my hero though for letting go before he had to suffer. That is a hell of a sacrifice and such a difficult decision.
I'm sending you such love tonight.
Aimee...I'm so sorry for your loss. ::Hugggg::
I am sorry. You did the right thing. He is definitely pain free and happy now.
I am totally crying right now...I am so sorry. I loved Chance. I know this happened a little while ago, but like I said, I've been kind of MIA. I'm also sorry I wasn't there for you.
omg i'm holding back my river of tears. i know exactly what you are going through. i miss my dog too. she's been gone since june and i had her 14 years. she was the best dog ever. im so sorry xoxo
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