Sunday, December 9, 2007

I Suck At This

Um, yeah, so much for Holi-DAILY-eees. Oops.

I haven't been extremely boring, but I have been extremely lazy about downloading photos off my camera. And well, some of this stuff is much better with photos. Like, the fact that I spent most of today being Christmasy. We went and got the tree this morning. I put up the lights and garland in the front window and then we decorated the tree. I got out other decorations and was generally Christmasy. The tree is pretty. But you will never know because i haven't taken a picture yet. hehe. Maybe tomorrow.

Last night, the girls came over and we watched chick flicks and had "craft night." Which really meant that we went out to dinner and then attempted to craft. Actually, I attempted it. I was kind of ADD - I did a little crochet, a little paper crafting (cards) and I baked cookies. I was all over the place. As a general rule, we all got something done.

And that day, Mark and I went out 4x4 ing. (how do you put that into words?) It was muddy and slick and scary. And the truck, it is brown. There is little paint showing at this time. Tomorrow Mark will have to dedicate approximately 4 hours to looking for said truck.

So yeah, now you're all caught up. Exciting huh?


Anonymous said...

Hi! Here's your Monday morning cat goodness :)

Have a great week!l

L Sass said...

Can I come to craft night next time???

Angela said...

Crafts, decorating and mudding. Quite the combination weekend!