Thursday, January 17, 2008

You Know You Live in California When...

On my way home from work today, I was driving down a busy street. A car in the lane next to me started to slow down and kind of pull over, but not really all the way over. And I noticed another car (in my lane) moving next to I slowed down in my lane - I wasn't about to get shot in some road rage drive by.

And then I noticed the lights.

There was a firetruck behind us - so they were moving over so he could pass.



Vanessa said...

Do people not do this in other parts of the country? Tell me, I'm serious! Am I too inside my own box?

Nicole P. said...

Blame the head cold. Always blame the head cold.

L Sass said...

The first time I had this happen to me, right after I got my drivers license, I actually thought I was being pulled over!

Am an idiot.

Carrie said...

Were you rawking out or something?

Lindsey said...

You need to move ALL the way over!!! hehe