Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm Going To Vegas!!

I had a stroke of good luck this weekend!

Apparently a website (hi! I can't remember what it was) that encourages bloggers to do giveaways. And then they post the links to all the participating blogs and you can win cool stuff and meet new bloggers.

I found out about it through Mrs. F.

And I entered her giveaway.
And then I found a couple other sites and I entered one more giveaway.

And then I got emails and I WON BOTH!!!

I won a pretty beaded necklace that will be made especially for me (using my favorite color!) from Mrs. F.

And then I won a gift certificate towards a Maddy Moo creation from Kathie B. If you haven't seen Maddy Moo handbags - you must go to Kathie's blog and then to her Maddy Moo page (it's linked there) and see what adorable purses they create. You get to pick the design, the fabric, the ribbon color, the interior fabric, etc etc. I'm soooo excited.

So there ya have it. Two giveaways and Two wins! This NEVER happens to me. I'm buying a lottery ticket today.


Rhi said...

Um, wow! Good job!

flutterbyshutter said...

so are you really going to vegas? or is that something entirely different?

Jess said...

Wow! Two contests at once! Go you!

Vanessa said...

Congrats on the winning! Come enter the contest on my blog while you're on a roll. It's the six word memoir.

Anonymous said...

Wow! congrats on the wins! I never win contests...except the time I one a 5 pound bag of beef jerky. Yeah. That was not fun.

Christine said...


Hey, I saw at Megan's place that you're in Sacramento...we're neighbors! I can't be your dedicated driver to the party, because I'm staying in SF for BlogHer.

It'll be fun to meet other area bloggers!

L Sass said...

You are so lucky!!! What great prizes... send some of that good luck my way.

Julie said...


So you're NOT going to vegas?

Freckle Face Girl said...

Buy a couple of lotto tickets too! :)