Last weekend we spent some time on the coast, camping. (and freezing) We didn't get out there until after 9 p.m. and we set up camp and Mark made burgers for dinner. (That is the major plus of camping - Mark takes care of EVERYTHING) The rest of our group (Marks two cousins and their wives plus one baby) got there after 10:30.
We did a lot of eating. And sleeping. And napping. And reading. And talking trash. It was great fun.
We did sneak away from camp at one point to see the water.
and we visited a cove and ate some lunch (oh and I totally fell down. woohoo!)
We had a really good weekend. The only regret was that we didn't get the marshmallows out of B's truck before he left.
So, I had to resort to this:
That's the best use for Peeps that I think I've ever seen!
Bwahahah... Poor wittle bunnies.
Kill those peeps!!
I love that Peep solution!!
i think it's very fortunate that you still had peeps left :D
There is no shame in utilizing a peep to it's full potential.
OMG those smores are awesome.
That is AWESOME. I love the photo progression.
You actually roasted peeps? That is amazing.
I haven't "camped" in years. Do you guys use tents? We have a pop up and
Dead peeps! I've always wanted to eat a live peep, but I think I'll need a dead peep too!
Oh the humanity!
OMG! Smeeps!
Poor little peeps. LMAO You kill me.
Ugh, I've been so MIA blogging wise. I miss you!
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