Tuesday, May 20, 2008

SF Tomorrow?

Anyone out there planning to go to Jen Lancaster's book signing in San Francisco on Wednesday? Wanna meet up?

We (flutter and I) are heading out in the afternoon for some shopping and lunch and then off to the signing. Also, I can't stop talking about this - but did you notice that Chance and I got a mention in the acknowledgments?? :) hehe.


Mrs. F said...

I wanna go, but I have not read her books yet, I only read her blog.

I was going to go anyways, but my friends are losers and I am not going alone (even though I drive to the city alone all the time for work). Hehe.

Acknowledgments in THE BOOK????? Furr reals? Why? What's it say?

Rhi said...

I went last night! Super fun!

Anonymous said...

I'd be there, but it's a 12 hour drive. Bummer! Have fun!

L Sass said...

I can't wait to hear about it!!

Julie said...

Ugh I cannot wait for her to come to BOSTON!!!

And I just saw you in the acknowledgements!!

*~*Cece*~* said...

Sure I'll meet you there on my lunch break! It should only take me like ummm...6-8 HOURS but I"ll be there! LMAO I'm just being a smart ass!

Vanessa said...

Since you've already been, how was the signing? It was fabulous to see her here in Dallas!

Jess said...

I keep hearing about Jan Lancaster all over blogland. Which is funny because I had never heard of her before.

Have fun at the signing!

Carrie said...

That is a really long way for me to drive. But someday soon.