Saturday, June 21, 2008

Air Conditioning Repair = Bad Porn

You know what is really lame?
105 degree days.

Know what's lamer?
105 degrees and a broken air conditioner.


Last night, Flutter and I started our girls sleepover karaoke weekend. We noticed it was super hot. (like 86 degrees hot) And then I realized that the AC was broken. DAMMIT. Flutter was a trooper though and stuck it out. And I called several AC repair places today.

We were so hot that we decided to just go ahead and set up my pool. So we're out there huffing and puffing, knowing full well that when we were done there would be no refreshing cool air in the house to go into. Instead, we parked two chairs in the pool and sat in it while it filled up.
We didn't get out until our butts were wet from the pool water rising so high.

Around this time, the AC repairman called and said he was on his way. So I got out of the pool and put on dry pants. Flutter decided to just take off her pants. (interject here to say that I'm totally cracking up at that - and uh, we just heard a big train horn...there is no train by here. uh...yeah.) Anyway, so Flutter is wearing a towel around her waist (she assures me she is also wearing underwear) She has parked herself on the couch in said towel and is reading a book when the repairman shows up. (bow chicka bow bow).

Sam (as it says on his shirt) works his magic, steals all my money and then leaves. (giving me a "how you doin'!" look as he tells me to enjoy my summer). When I come in laughing at Flutter and telling her that this is how bad porn starts she tells me...

Well, you're pigtails aren't really helping either.



Rhi said...

That is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Ha, oh dear!

I miss my air conditioner. Who would've thought I needed one in London? Next week's mission: buy a fan!

L Sass said...

Hahahahaha! I love Mark and all, but I do miss that one of you had gotten some. In the pool.

Vanessa said...

Hope the AC gets fixed soon! It's non negotiable in my house or any weather over 90 degrees.

flutterbyshutter said...

ok 2 things in my defense:
1. it was HOT and i was soo not about to go find pants-that would have required energy.
2. i warned you earlier in the day the modesty was taking a backseat to comfort on my list of priorities


Carrie said...

Speaking of pigtails. I was waiting in line at the bookstore and they had those little gift books. It was called, "Things you shouldn't do after 30". Wearing pigtails is one of them. LOL Adam doesn't agree.

Anonymous said...

ha! That is great. Yesterday I had about the same sort of 'missing garmnet" issue. You are so funny. Minnie is so cute BTW :) Too bad I'm allergic to cats.

Anonymous said...

but im sorry i know how you feel. We used to live in the valley in Los angeles and it gets SO hot over there its not even funny. We had an a/c but it didnt help at all so we went out and got a fan. didnt help at all. so we went and got another one. Didnt help. so we went and got another ac, one of those window ones. Didnt help. So, we took the mattress to the living room where there were 2 a/c s and 2 fans. That barely helped either. So we moved. hahaha we moved to venice near the beach. Beach breeze is the best!


Anonymous said...

but im sorry i know how you feel. We used to live in the valley in Los angeles and it gets SO hot over there its not even funny. We had an a/c but it didnt help at all so we went out and got a fan. didnt help at all. so we went and got another one. Didnt help. so we went and got another ac, one of those window ones. Didnt help. So, we took the mattress to the living room where there were 2 a/c s and 2 fans. That barely helped either. So we moved. hahaha we moved to venice near the beach. Beach breeze is the best!
