I've been really awful at keeping up with blogging; and I've been super busy trying new things (like quilting!) So, I've started a craft blog if you're interested in that sort of thing.
you can find me here.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
What Married People Do
Hi Guys!
How were the holidays? I want to say that mine were good - but they flew by in a flurry of wedding parties and drive-by Christmases.
My BFF Emily got married December 19th. Prior to that we had her bachelorette party (which was really a crafting sleepover during which we finished a lot of her wedding projects). We had an adorable bridal shower - it was vintage 50s housewife themed. So I made an apron shaped cake and sported a cupcake covered apron.
And even with all of that going on, I still had time to finish the Christmas gifts I was crocheting - including these two hat and scarf sets. (one for my sister in law and one for my sweet niece)
I was also able to finish a hat and sweater set for my 6 month old niece.
Plus(!) we found time to take the kids to see santa!
We spent Christmas with all the families - Mark's mom's side the weekend before, my dad's side on Christmas eve, My mom and her side on Christmas day. Overall, married Christmas is pretty awesome. I got a bunch of fun baking things (ingredients, pans, etc), fabulous books, adorable clothes (and boots!) I must have been very very good.
We followed up all that excitement with a low key New Year's on the couch.
And you know what comes with the New Year right? Resolutions. I haven't made real resolutions but I definitely want to spend more time doing things I enjoy. And spend more time at the dog park (these things go together, mostly). I don't like that I only read 6 books last year. Though, I had a good excuse. haha. I made a goal of reading 111 books this year. I've read 3 so far, so I'm on target.
I hope to blog more - and keep the internets up to date on my latest creation or book review. I've missed you guys.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Happy Monthaversary!
Remember back when I was planning a wedding? Yeah, so, we did it! We got married October 2 - and it was wonderful and beautiful and so much fun. I giggled my way down the aisle. Cried through a song with my Mom and my Maid of Honor. Laughed at the sniffles that came from all my bridesmaids during the ceremony; hooted when Mark got down to "Low."
I adored each and every one of my vendors. We did such a great job picking such wonderful people. I've talked to every one of them in the month since the wedding - because it would have been weird to just not talk to them again. We had developed friendships that went beyond just working a wedding.
Things I'm so glad that we did: Sprung for the cake I wanted, trusted my gut on the first photographer and went with a new one (even though I lost my deposit), giving my DJ free reign to really play what they want and read the crowd, rented the bridesmaid dresses, had someone else do my hair and makeup, spent the night with my mom and best friends the night before, asked my sweet new niece to be our flower girl, let Mark choose a friend to perform the ceremony (he was a jack of all trades), had a low-key rehearsal dinner, Mark surprising me with a champagne that I LOVED, letting our bridal party with with their guests (at tables of honor), video recorded the ceremony, getting snacks for the rooms - I was famished after dancing that much, oh yeah - and getting married to my best friend.
Things I would have done differently: I would have looked at Mark more when I walked down the aisle (I kept looking at our friends and family), and I wouldn't have stressed about anything - because the things I worried about were inconsequential on the day of.
oh, but I know what you really wanted anyway - the pics!

I adored each and every one of my vendors. We did such a great job picking such wonderful people. I've talked to every one of them in the month since the wedding - because it would have been weird to just not talk to them again. We had developed friendships that went beyond just working a wedding.
Things I'm so glad that we did: Sprung for the cake I wanted, trusted my gut on the first photographer and went with a new one (even though I lost my deposit), giving my DJ free reign to really play what they want and read the crowd, rented the bridesmaid dresses, had someone else do my hair and makeup, spent the night with my mom and best friends the night before, asked my sweet new niece to be our flower girl, let Mark choose a friend to perform the ceremony (he was a jack of all trades), had a low-key rehearsal dinner, Mark surprising me with a champagne that I LOVED, letting our bridal party with with their guests (at tables of honor), video recorded the ceremony, getting snacks for the rooms - I was famished after dancing that much, oh yeah - and getting married to my best friend.
Things I would have done differently: I would have looked at Mark more when I walked down the aisle (I kept looking at our friends and family), and I wouldn't have stressed about anything - because the things I worried about were inconsequential on the day of.
oh, but I know what you really wanted anyway - the pics!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wedding Stationary Reviews
Back in December, my pal Ashley at Bride on a Budget hosted a giveaway. (she hosted lots of giveaways, but this one I actually won!) It was for some personalized stationary/thank you cards from Gifts in 24.
My information was sent off to them in December and when I hadn't heard anything in February, I contacted Ashley; who let me know that when she got her items from them they took FOREVER and to just sit tight. Considering I'm still 5 months out from the wedding now - I wasn't in a hurry. But in March and April when Ashley followed up again (and I followed up once as well) Gifts in 24 didn't have any record of my order or the contest or anything. And they were unwilling to work with Ashley to make it right. So, boooooooo on them. Seriously.
BUT, what did work out well is that Ashley worked her magic and was able to give me an alternate prize. And what a prize it was! The fine folks at Vistaprint offered me 100 free thank you cards. They even threw in expedited shipping, since I'd already waited so long for my prize.
I have ordered from Vistaprint before and was very impressed with their business cards (We had our photo sharing cards printed through them) but the thank you cards were even better. We had them printed on linen paper - and they fit nicely with the sunflower theme of our wedding. Besides, it's the first thing I have with my new name on it! And I adore the printed pattern on the inside of the card too.
So, a big thank you to Vistaprint and to Ashley!
My information was sent off to them in December and when I hadn't heard anything in February, I contacted Ashley; who let me know that when she got her items from them they took FOREVER and to just sit tight. Considering I'm still 5 months out from the wedding now - I wasn't in a hurry. But in March and April when Ashley followed up again (and I followed up once as well) Gifts in 24 didn't have any record of my order or the contest or anything. And they were unwilling to work with Ashley to make it right. So, boooooooo on them. Seriously.
BUT, what did work out well is that Ashley worked her magic and was able to give me an alternate prize. And what a prize it was! The fine folks at Vistaprint offered me 100 free thank you cards. They even threw in expedited shipping, since I'd already waited so long for my prize.
So, a big thank you to Vistaprint and to Ashley!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Lucky One
I don’t know about you; but when I think about my luck, I don’t consider myself to be very lucky. I was lucky once in the third grade. I won a bicycle in a raffle I got entered into for reading a bunch of books. (It was called Books and Beyond). Ironically, my parents had just bought me the same bike a week earlier. Go figure.
This may explain why I don’t find myself gambling very often. Sure, I enjoy going to Thunder Valley with my family, but I mostly just do it for the buffet. I play a few dollars on the slots and usually lose. I don’t usually play table games when we do local trips. However, once we’re out of town – I find that I can be drawn to the blackjack table.
I blame this on necessity mostly. Because it’s where I got my start in blackjack. Back in my yeehaw days, we did monthly Reno runs. We’d drive up, spend the weekend in a seedy (ie cheap) hotel and go dancing all night long. On one such trip, we found ourselves short on cash and low on gas. So I decided to risk it and play blackjack (I had about $10 to my name at the time).
Next to me was a nice gentleman who helped me to really learn to play the game. It must be noted that this nice gentleman was a one-armed trucker. And no, I’m not kidding. He showed me when to hit and when to stay. I even learned to double down. I was able to win enough money that night to not only fill the tank with gas, but to buy everyone breakfast on our way out of town.
These days I don’t play much. I’d still prefer to play in the kid’s area where I’m guaranteed a prize. But I can see where people might really enjoy gambling in their spare time. If not for the convenience, but to avoid the cigarette smoke. That’s enough of an incentive. And, as Rook says, you don’t need pants. Just sayin’.
For those of you who are into the online gambling scene, you should check out Casino Las Vegas. It’s an online gaming site with all of the games that you would find in Vegas. Including blackjack. I don’t think they have any one-armed truckers though. Sorry about that.
This may explain why I don’t find myself gambling very often. Sure, I enjoy going to Thunder Valley with my family, but I mostly just do it for the buffet. I play a few dollars on the slots and usually lose. I don’t usually play table games when we do local trips. However, once we’re out of town – I find that I can be drawn to the blackjack table.
I blame this on necessity mostly. Because it’s where I got my start in blackjack. Back in my yeehaw days, we did monthly Reno runs. We’d drive up, spend the weekend in a seedy (ie cheap) hotel and go dancing all night long. On one such trip, we found ourselves short on cash and low on gas. So I decided to risk it and play blackjack (I had about $10 to my name at the time).
Next to me was a nice gentleman who helped me to really learn to play the game. It must be noted that this nice gentleman was a one-armed trucker. And no, I’m not kidding. He showed me when to hit and when to stay. I even learned to double down. I was able to win enough money that night to not only fill the tank with gas, but to buy everyone breakfast on our way out of town.
These days I don’t play much. I’d still prefer to play in the kid’s area where I’m guaranteed a prize. But I can see where people might really enjoy gambling in their spare time. If not for the convenience, but to avoid the cigarette smoke. That’s enough of an incentive. And, as Rook says, you don’t need pants. Just sayin’.
For those of you who are into the online gambling scene, you should check out Casino Las Vegas. It’s an online gaming site with all of the games that you would find in Vegas. Including blackjack. I don’t think they have any one-armed truckers though. Sorry about that.
Monday, April 26, 2010
More Wedding Junk (with pics)
I have photos!
I finished the flower girl basket today. It's got sheer bows/ribbon in burgundy/black/white on the sides. I had them flowing down but with a black and white patterned dress, I thought it was too much.
And the table numbers were done over the weekend (they are little table tents - but you can't tell that from the photo).
Now it's your turn to weigh in on the cake topper. There are three that I've gotten over the course of our engagement. One is a Princess House Crystal bride and groom, another is a set of birds, and the last is a vintage (40s or 50s) ceramic couple. Mark really wanted people and not animals - so I think it's really between the vintage couple or the crystal couple. What do you think?
for those of you who are budget concious, here is the breakdown.
Flower Girl Basket - $10.20
$3.20 basket (easter clearance at michaels)
$2.00 flowers (2 bunches from dollar tree)
$3.00 ribbon
$2.00 green stuff to stick flowers in
Table Numbers - $13.00
$3.00 white card stock
$1.25 damask paper
$1.25 black textured paper
$7.50 adhesive (martha stewart - full price michaels)
Cake Topper - $14.75 (i included them all since I won't be returning any of them)
$0.00 Crystal bride and groom (gift from my aunt - she bought it at a yard sale)
$6.75 birds (full price at michaels)
$8.00 vintage couple (flea market find!)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Finally Feeling Accomplished
I can't shut off my brain. I feel like I need to be doing more; but there's too many things to do that I haven't been able to pinpoint anything.
I think it's been a week that I've been telling myself, "you need to make a list." And I LOVE lists. But I still couldn't manage to even put that together.
So, this weekend, I finally sat down and just did one thing from my list. I had made table numbers for the wedding a few months back - but I didn't think about the fact that they needed to be double sided. (00ps!) So I busted out my paper trimmer, printed table numbers, printed paper, and textured black paper. They all turned out PERFECTLY (yeah!!) I did one for the sweetheart table. and then 1-8 and 10 & 11 for the ten tables (no table nine!)
It's sad, but I felt SO MUCH BETTER just because I got that one small thing done. And Mark spray painted the little for the flower girl basket. So now I can start putting the flowers and ribbons on that.
This weekend we get to see our little flower girl - and give her the dress I bought. It's just darling - I'm very excited. Saturday is her 7th birthday. :)
In other news - something I never thought I'd say....I LOVE Kate Gosselin's hair. The do she had when she got kicked off DWTS is just darling! you know, except for it being fake. lol
We took the puppies to the river - it was Meatie's first time out there and Daisy hadn't been since last summer. Meatie did really good and didn't poop out too quickly. And they both played in the river.
Meatie's on the last of his pills for a staph infect/allergies. I'm hoping that will fix all his itchy issues so we can shave him and be cool for the summer. Poor guy.
Sorry I don't have anything more exciting. Or photos for that matter. I'll really have to start working harder on that. :)
I think it's been a week that I've been telling myself, "you need to make a list." And I LOVE lists. But I still couldn't manage to even put that together.
So, this weekend, I finally sat down and just did one thing from my list. I had made table numbers for the wedding a few months back - but I didn't think about the fact that they needed to be double sided. (00ps!) So I busted out my paper trimmer, printed table numbers, printed paper, and textured black paper. They all turned out PERFECTLY (yeah!!) I did one for the sweetheart table. and then 1-8 and 10 & 11 for the ten tables (no table nine!)
It's sad, but I felt SO MUCH BETTER just because I got that one small thing done. And Mark spray painted the little for the flower girl basket. So now I can start putting the flowers and ribbons on that.
This weekend we get to see our little flower girl - and give her the dress I bought. It's just darling - I'm very excited. Saturday is her 7th birthday. :)
In other news - something I never thought I'd say....I LOVE Kate Gosselin's hair. The do she had when she got kicked off DWTS is just darling! you know, except for it being fake. lol
We took the puppies to the river - it was Meatie's first time out there and Daisy hadn't been since last summer. Meatie did really good and didn't poop out too quickly. And they both played in the river.
Meatie's on the last of his pills for a staph infect/allergies. I'm hoping that will fix all his itchy issues so we can shave him and be cool for the summer. Poor guy.
Sorry I don't have anything more exciting. Or photos for that matter. I'll really have to start working harder on that. :)
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