Monday, January 21, 2008

My (not very good) Movie Review

Today, I spent my holiday hanging out with my mom and my cousin. We met up at the movies to see 27 Dresses. And all I have to say is LOVE. What a great a movie! Here is my review, in bullet points.

  • Could Katherine Heigle be any prettier? I don't think so.
  • Could her sidekick be any more annoying? Nope, she actually got less annoying - good job sidekick! (and also, has that girl ever had her own movie or is she always the annoying sidekick? Talk about type-casting)
  • Cute boys!
  • Could the sister be any skankier? And look any more like she's been rode hard and put away wet?
  • I laughed! Out loud! A lot!
  • In the beginning I wondered, "is this going to pick up or continue to be totally depressing?"
  • And then I laughed some more!
  • And then tears! Oh Happy tears!
  • And fun! Lots of fun! Benny and the Jets!!!!
  • Then there was the covering of my face with my hands in "OMG NO!!!!"
  • And there was a feeling of lameness
  • And then there was the "Go Girl!" and the high fives
  • And the "oh no she didn't!" She did! Good for her!
  • Also, when did annoying girl become "my conscience?"
  • Then there was the "oh no, this is taking a weird turn!" feeling
  • And then Laughter! and Tears of Joy!
  • Finally - there was more laughter!!
I love this movie. Seriously, call in sick to work tomorrow and go see it!

Before we left, my cousin (who is the fun age of 16) leaned over and said, "Don't tell anyone in the family that I cried. They think I'm kind of tough."

Amen, Sister.


Nicole P. said...

I loved that movie too! I might have to own it. It was better than I was expecting.

L Sass said...

I cannot wait to see that movie. I just love Katherine Heigel.

Freckle Face Girl said...

Sounds good!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to seeing it. It looks really cute.

Carrie said...

I'll put in on my netflix list. I don't think I can get the day off because Aimee said so. It just wouldn't fly.

Julie said...

I am heading down to DC this weekend and a friend of mine and I are going to see this movie....

Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

So jealous! Glad you got to see it. I think I feel the sniffles coming on....

Anonymous said...

by the way, that anonymous up there...that's me...


Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

thanks for the review.. good to see that real people enjoyed it.. I never trust those old guy movie reviewers!

Lindz said...

OOOH I must see this! I saw the Bucket List and cried like a baby. I thought it was going to be funny, nope, it's kinda funny, way sentimental and well, sad.

P.S. Yay for our sexie exie group!

*~*Cece*~* said...

Its been awhile since I've seen a chick flick. I think I'm dragging my man to the movies this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I saw this last weekend and just loved it! You can't go wrong dancing on the bar and singing Benny and the Jets!

Maxie said...

I loved this movie... bennie and the jets was def my favorite part