Monday, April 21, 2008

Huggy Church & a Happy Anniversary

This weekend wasn't all that thrilling. I can't remember most of it. I think Mark worked a lot. yes! he did! he worked on friday night and went fishing on saturday. I think I slept. a lot.

I like sleep.

On Sunday, Flutter and I went to a new church. We call it Huggy Church. (the guy giving us our programs gave us hugs - but he gave hugs to everyone so it wasn't tooooo creepy.) AND we actually LOVED this church. It was big enough so that we didn't stick out like "hey! look! new girls!" and it was small enough that people seemed to know each other.

The music was fabulous and contemporary (the singer looked like Aiden from John and Kate plus 8 - only older, obviously) The Senior Pastor was a great speaker. and the sermon was fabulous. He had a way of speaking that was almost like a comedian. Like, he said something funny and kept a straight face. I really liked him. They kept the tithing till the very end which I thought was interesting. overall this church is winning in the race by a mile.

After church we stopped for lunch and then I took a nice long nap. Mark and I went on a double date with B&K to Benihana for dinner. (the 20th was also our anniversary and Benihana is where we had our first date 3 years+ ago) Dinner was really fun. Mark and I really like hanging out with B&K. He and K have gotten to be pretty good friends and I met B a frillion years ago - in third grade. They are good people. And their puppy is just toooo darling.

Overall it was a nice weekend.


Rhi said...

MMMM, Benihana!

L Sass said...

I am now so hungry for Benihana!

Once again... Yay, April anniversaries!

flutterbyshutter said...

you forgot about cell phone shopping and throwing me under the bus! :D

moo said...

YUM, I love Hibachi ... now how to convince PK to take me there tonight ... hmmm ...

Vanessa said...

Sometimes hugs can be really nice, sometimes creepy. Glad it was the first one!

Sugee Andersyn said...

I love Jon & Kate plus 8 and Bennihanna's too!